Thursday, November 23, 2006


One True God?

‘One’ God – Three parts you see
Scattered on wind and earth and sea
Blindly seeing all choices made
Silently commanding their servants to pray

One saviour, dead and living still
Now honour his sweet sacrifice
Scream and flee from futile fakes
From torture, idol, and black death worship

Come to us, my children
We don’t worship icons of torture
We don’t eat flesh, drink blood
We don’t chant and sway in controlled rhythm

Hopelessly controlled in every ‘choice’
You cannot say we worship death
With rituals bled into bleeding stone
And priests who rape and steal and kill

No. We’re Christian.

Saturday, November 11, 2006



The final leaf of winter
Tumbles from her bed
Torn by screaming doubt she wanders
Blown by vicious winds of hunters

Plummets softly as a stone
Gentle as a blade of steel
Swift to earth she makes her way
Full of dreams of better days

Strikes not ground but cold hard flesh
To lie immortal, swathed in blood
A memory fading soon to dust
And hope as fiery as Snow White’s crust

From pristine shirt the stain it spreads
And holds the suit-like shroud it dyes
To promise – never let my heart again
Lie wounded, broken, left unseen

Lips soft parted, poised for breath
Match blue eyes now turned to grey
Icicle eyes that pierce the mind
And leave the living far behind

Thursday, November 09, 2006



Have you heard my unsaid words?
The ones I’m scared to say.
And do you answer just the same?
Words silent as a thund’rous wind.
A wind of words to change the world
Three little words to say so much
Three simple words. So far. So near.
The causes of my nightly tear.