Today’s the day I should be dead
The day I’ve looked upon with dread
That shows my failing crystal clear
And causes me to throw more tears
Shining crimson beauty fell
But now blue crystal’s shining spell
These tortured lines right down my cheek
Spare peaceful gateway running sweet
Who stopped by tissue, love unsure
Ran crying back to heart impure
To make me live another year
Alone with just a blue white tear
Today’s the day I should be dead
The day I’ve looked upon with dread
That shows my failing crystal clear
And causes me to throw more tears
Shining crimson beauty fell
But now blue crystal’s shining spell
These tortured lines right down my cheek
Spare peaceful gateway running sweet
Who stopped by tissue, love unsure
Ran crying back to heart impure
To make me live another year
Alone with just a blue white tear