Tuesday, June 01, 2010


Dreamer’s Debt

My dreams have ended – life is here
I fall down soft to shed a tear
With death-like knock upon the door
My hell breaks through with molten claw

The dancing shards of sunlight spears
That rip my soul to free my fears
To let them free to rule my mind
And leave my heart so far behind

In casket cold and starved of love
In shrivelled heart still hides the dove
Away from stars and warm embrace
She waits for chance to join the race

One thousand chances passed her by
She saw them flash like lighteninged sky
But still the cruel chains keep her close
Encircle her with blackened rose

My dreams she made her gentle rest
To live and love from safety’s nest
Allowed to laugh and run and cry
She lived and loved with childlike joy

But dreams, like life, must always end
And heartfelt wounds she now must tend
For whilst she lived in sunset sky
One thousand chances passed her by

Not seen nor heard but always there
Now every chance will bring a tear
In these she’ll drown for life’s regret
Until she’s freed from lifelong debt

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